Is There Something Wrong with Me If I Try to Lose Weight
Is There Something Wrong with Me If I Try to Lose Weight
When a weight loss plan fails, that is the question many individuals ask themselves.
Want to know the answer to the question, "Why can't I lose weight?"
is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It's an admission that the way you're approaching things right now isn't productive.
You've reached a point where you're willing to consider new options; you know you have to do something to achieve the outcome you desire.
So, what really is preventing you from losing weight? Here are three reasons why you might not be losing weight, along with some advice on what you can do about it.
Among the Most Important are Health Concerns
Let me be clear: This is not the same as arguing that your genes dictate that you will always be overweight. That's a load of bull. Experts believe that even if you have a predisposition to being overweight, your genes are responsible for just about 15% to 25% of your actual weight. To sum up, you can put the genetics argument to rest.
However, some people simply can't lose weight for health reasons. It can be extremely challenging to lose weight if you have a medical condition such as hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance, or any combination of the three.
That's why it's important to see your doctor before beginning any diet or exercise program. Get checked out thoroughly to make sure you don't have any health problems that could prevent you from losing weight.
Try as you might, there is nothing more discouraging than doing everything properly when it comes to weight loss and still not seeing any results due to a medical problem. First, tend to the medical issue, and the weight may naturally decrease as your health improves.
The second is Emotional Eating
An expert on nutrition once said that 75% of emotional eating was caused by stress. 75%! What would happen if you were able to control your emotional eating and so reduce your caloric intake by a significant amount? What a fantastic effect on weight reduction! The burden would gradually be lifted.
Relying on food to soothe negative emotions is becoming common in modern society. The average modern person is under constant time pressure. No one has time to process their feelings when they don't even have time to put on their shoes.
This causes us to repress our feelings and ignore them until they boil over and we find ourselves face down in a dish of Rocky Road ice cream doused in chocolate sauce.
The basic line is that you are a human being with feelings. You deserve to have your emotional needs met with care and compassion. You require emotional support and attention.
If you need to take a five-minute break every few hours to collect your thoughts, then do it. Nothing should stop you from taking a stroll through the mall and people-watching after a long day at the office if that's what it takes to relax.
If you take the time to care for your mental health, you may put an end to emotional eating and see rapid weight loss results.
Poorly Matched Diet and Exercise Program
Getting slimmer is possible in a variety of ways, and there are lots of diet plans to pick from. When it comes to weight loss, there are a variety of approaches.
There is no one right approach to reducing weight because everyone is different. If your present approach isn't yielding results, a simple instance of personality-plan mismatch could be to blame.
Perhaps you would feel more motivated to stick to a fitness- or psychology-based weight loss program rather than a diet-centered one. To choose the plan that is the perfect fit for you, take your time looking through the many options available.
If this sounds like you, it might be time to investigate your nutrition and weight-loss options. Look for one that excites you, makes sense, and complements your values and character. You won't see real results in your weight loss efforts until that time.
That's all there is to it: the three most likely causes of your weight loss plateau. Don't let yourself get mired in the same old weight loss routine. Don't torture yourself any longer with, "Why can't I lose weight?" If you want to achieve your goals, you must have faith in yourself and your dreams. If you keep going, you will succeed.
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